Street musicians or street performers, are generally people who perform in public places for gratuities. Perhaps some think these people are homeless, but many in fact are not. Granted though, most are below the poverty line. Many use the donations as their main source of income, have homes, families, and other jobs.

Street musicians – performers or “Busking” is one of the world’s oldest professions and can be found anywhere. It is very legal and cannot be confused for begging which is not legal. Busking cannot be prohibited in an area where other forms of free speech are not prohibited. Street musicians have become socially accepted and thrive in cities like New Orleans, San Diego, Boston, and New York. It takes a lot of showmanship and personality to make it as a street musician – they can actually make a lot of money. There are still those out there who have enormous talent, who barely get by.

In my series “Street Musicians” you will see a variety of street musician personalities, feelings, and emotions – all of which we must have some kind of respect for – but take that lonely homeless man on the street corner, playing his guitar and singing for a few bucks, hopefully he will find his break in life. He’s got my donation.

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